Monday, 24 February 2014

Prelims And Fucking (Pardon Me) Examinations

It's just 2 more days to the start of prelims and I'm so so so sure I'll fail this time round. It's like, I've never been more sure about anything in my life (21 years so far). Lol. I know, I'm pathetic right.

I've got approximately 61 more days to the start of my exams and I'm not ready. I've been studying almost every single day and still, I'm nowhere near ready. I'm bloody exasperated and frustrated k. 

I didn't even study everyday in Singapore Poly, but still I passed all my modules and some with flying colours even. My course was Diploma in Business Administration in case you didn't know already.

Okay maybe I shouldn't compare Uni with Poly but what about O levels? It's pretty much similar to the system under University of London.. One year worth of knowledge is to be tested once at the end of the year.

How the fuck did I even manage to cope with 9 subjects and still end up where I wanted to be? I only studied really hard during the last lap and I attained like what? 12 points?

Look, it isn't too bad considering I wrote out of point for my English composition, barely passed my Chinese oral test, didn't finish essay and cross references for both History and Social Studies, didn't finish all 4 of A- & E-Math papers, probably failed Chemistry but Physics must have pulled my grades up, and I freaking missed out an entire essay question for Geography. 

I must have been a genius because it looks like I got all the right answers for the questions I submitted or rather, attempted. Hahaha 12 pointer. Time management Sarah, time management.

Now I've only got 4 modules and I'm fucking drowning. It's not even struggling or floating okay? I need to be swimming but no, I'm fucking drowning. HELP SOS SOMEBODY ANYBODY.

My prayers must have been answered because YK has been super encouraging! See what my baby gave me?

WAHAHA. My study pack! <3

That's all for now, goodnight earthlings. X

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