Sunday, 30 August 2015


Finally got down to privatizing my instagram. Deleted all those ghost followers and still admist deletion. I realised I really don't appreciate people I don't know to have a preview into my life without me actually knowing. Also, I don't need to be ms popz so I don't need numbers to boost my ego.

I'm not saying that I'm not gonna make my account public anymore, but for now I guess its good for me to filter who I allow to have a snippet of my day to day life. Maybe when I'm ready again, I might just public my profile once more. I have nothing to hide, I'm not ashamed of my life, I just prefer some privacy, for now.

I've cut more than 300 followers (some accidentally), and this is only the beginning. Not forgetting there's this awkward grey-zone group who are acquaintances but they don't really know me.. It's not about the numbers, but the fact that I'll wonder sometimes: So did they or did they not see my photos? Do they actually agree with my life? They didn't 'like' my photos is it cause they are judging my life? Are they taking screenshots and gossiping behind my back without me knowing? So do I unfollow them or not? But sometimes I'm really not interested to know about their lives. Sounds harsh or mean even, but if its my account, technically my right to choose right? But really just different interest or I don't understand what their life is about then it's okay if they don't have to understand mine too right?

Also there are some followers of mine who became friends. It's like they have such an interesting feed and I'm glad instagram happened if not I wouldn't have been exposed to their interesting hobbies, for instance. Like I don't know them but they actually agree or rather, support and 'like' certain decisions I make in life. It's a pity I'm not really friends with them in real life, after all they are people with the same interest and all. We'll definitely click y'know?

So I guess I'll just have to really filter who I want my target audience to be. But mostly, I just wanna be comfortable with my social media diary.

Ps: 966 followers to 602 and still dropping for good.

Pss: Disclaimer, I hope I don't end up pissing people off if I accidentally unfollowed you *fat fingers*

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Just something I need to get off my chest I guess

Years back, a girl"friend" asked me a question: "Don't you think you should reflect on why all your guy friends' girlfriends hate you?"

And my answer was straight up "No?"

Because I know I haven't done anything wrong and maybe their insecurities should be addressed by communicating with their other halves.

I remember specifically when B texted me and said he's in love with another girl. I spent days and nights telling him that he shouldn't cheat on J and how he should try to remember what he first fell in love with J for. That B must try his best to keep their relationship going. And how I think J is an amazing girl.

But along the way many things happened and I guess I can say I just clarified things with J. Even then I guess its just one of the many times I'm misunderstood.

Then another crazy girlfriend H of my classmate W threatened that she would burn my hair if I sat beside W in class. LOL that was the first and last time I sat beside W. Legit wtf how is this my fault. Other girls can sit beside W, just not me apparently. W was my classmate of two years. You for real, sister? I was late and I just found a seat beside him, I also kena. Wow.

Months back, my close friend R was cheating on his girlfriend. For weeks I scolded him for being a manslut and said I felt for his girlfriend, so please don't do this to her. Be a man and do the right thing for both of them. Apparently the girlfriend thought that I was a threat and that she really disliked me. To think I'm being a bro for her. Hah.

So is it my fault that I'm being a good friend or are girls these days just unbelievable. Just recently, I have had yet another incident as such. I am feeling so sian and there's nothing I can do to make them like me.

In fact, I don't need them to like me. I just hope my friends don't 'unfriend' me because of their other halves.

Ps: Names have been changed.. or not hahaha

Pss: some of you might think I was also an insecure girlfriend when it came to HT, but I have had reasons as stated in the old posts. So yeah. Maybe those girlfriends have their reasons too. But oh well, I just had to get it off my chest.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Sometimes you don't know what you truly want or need.

Heard of the saying "be careful of what you wish for"?

You just either have to trust in God's bigger plans or that in life everything happens for a reason.

Have you ever wanted something so bad. Like really bad. To the point, you prayed for it, birthday wished for it, threw coins into the well and hope for it, or even to the extent of wanting to exchange the world for it?

Yeah I did.

Sometimes I get it, sometimes I don't. Other times I get it and then I either lose it or it's mercilessly taken away from me.

The point is, at that moment I wanted ______ so bad. Like shouldn't life start to be a little fairer to me prior to what happened? Isn't it time for my life to bounce back? If my life was a movie, it would be now whereby someone comes up to me and say "Hey, you've hit rock bottom, what can be worse than this? It can only get better in time."

I cried buckets. Then lo and behold, I got what I wanted. I thought my dreams came true all at once. I thought I was the happiest living soul that day.

And then shit happens. Murphy's law. It always do. And I couldn't understand why. It was as if whatever prior to that wasn't bad enough, and life just went like "Hah you think it's over? You thought wrong. I'll show you that it CAN get worse than that. It's not over yet."

Double whammy, double the blow, double the wrench.

Then I cried some more, cursed even more, till I was desperate no more. Like I just gave up.

Months down the road, ______ was mine again. And I guess I just don't want it anymore. Maybe I no longer feel the same, maybe situations changed, maybe back then I didn't know what I wanted, maybe I just wanted it cause I couldn't have it, or maybe even I knew it was bad for me but I wanted it my way, anyway.

Perhaps God knew better, perhaps time showed me things much clearer, perhaps I just grew older. But right now, at this moment in time I'm blessed with _____ and never in my wildest dreams will I ever think that such an amazing thing will ever happen to me.

For all you know, what you hold so precious to you now, could only be a fraction of the greatest thing you need, further down the road in life. Or another way to look at it is, if you seek you might never find, but if it's meant to be yours, it will be yours at the end of the day. Cliche I know.

Whichever way you look at it, if your life is a movie, I'm the person that is telling you "Hey, you've hit rock bottom, what can be worse than this? It can only get better in time." Trust me on this. The brighter days are ahead even if it doesn't seem like it.

Hang on tight, we're in for the ride of our lives.

Love, Sarah.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Cause he makes me feel good about myself.

I feel loved and I'm content with how things are now.

Monday, 10 August 2015


Congrats on attempting to knock us down TWICE.

We were on the motorcycle riding along mandai road into KJE and we were safely riding in our lane, when you squeezed into our lane and overtook us. Without signalling. The difference in the distance? A tyre.

Second time, we were riding and happened to past you (within the speed limit), I saw that you had your wife in the passenger seat and your son at the back seat. How safe a father are you?

Then from KJE to CCK you revved your engine and position your car right beside us at a distance nearer than the lift to my door step. Guess what, you overtook us without signalling again and cut our lane once more with the distance shorter than the length of my arms.

If the first time your excuse was on misjudgment, we have got nothing to say. The second time was straight up reckless driving and an attitude of a delinquent.

To road bullies like you, no matter how safe cyclists are, this is why accidents happen.

I will lodge a complaint against you to LTA in the morning. You should be OFF the road for everybody's safety.

Happy national day to you too, inconsiderate driver of SFF 9077 S.