Thursday, 25 September 2014

Review: Browhaus' Eyebrow Resurrection Trial


Just me being excited that I'd not have to draw my brows for another 3 months! Hahaha.

Okay so first you'll lie down on the chair and your therapist will give you a brief on your eyebrow shape, how long it'll last per person basis cause it differs, what she can do for you like shaping or filling in the empty spots etc etc.

Then she would draw out the shape and all. When you are pleased with the outlines, you are good to go.

Application of numbing cream first as shown below:

Don't laugh at me, I was crayon shin-chan for 20 mins.

Then the filling in. Okay thank god for numbing cream cause I've got NO THRESHOLD FOR PAIN.

Pain level: 2/10

It's like tattooing I guess? Dipping of ink and fine cuts/slits forming hair like structure (at least that's what it felt like to me).

Pardon my unglam face but as you can see, the left brow has been filled in and the right brow is left untouched for comparison purposes.

And when both brows are embroidered:

It's red and patchy but my buddy says they look really natural so *yay*


The ink will start to fade off in a week or two and start to look really natural like brows you were born with. Sigh what to do? Mine is sparse or pretty much non-existent.

OKAY HERE COMES. I paid $270 for my trial but usual price is $1000-$2000 depending on darkness and including touch ups.

Overall I'm pleased and I might just do the full package when I have a job to support my aesthetics expenses. HAHA WHAT GIRLS PUT THEMSELVES THROUGH TO LOOK PRETTY.

Till then, my loves x

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